Monday, 20 September 2010
Friday, 17 September 2010
Winners of 2010 World Body Painting Festival Anncounced
No matter where one placed the artists have created amazing artworks and all are simply amazing to behold.
- Category Brush/Sponge:
2) Fray Scott & Madelyn Greco / USA
3) Utting Carly & DominicSkinner / England
- Category Airbrush:
2) Chris OBSN Oberheber / Österreich & Mike Shane / Luxembourg
3) Flavio Bosco & Franco Vanzani / Italy
- Category Special Effects Bodpainting:
2) Ludwig Decarli / Austria
3) Lorie Hamel / USA & Julie A. Fusilier / Canada
- Category UV Effects
2) Anna Pogodzinska / Poland
3) Harald & Jaqueline Wolf / Germany
- Category Facepainting
2) Lucie Brouillard / Canada
3) Viktoria Schablinger / Austria
Here are just a few more pictures enjoy.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Monday, 13 September 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Western Painting - Tribal Art - Native Art From the West
Tribal Art - The Concept
How To Install A Body Kit Part 1 - Painting
Okay, let me start out by saying that I highly recommend getting a body kit installed by an auto body technician or someone who has done body work and feels comfortable completing the necessary work.
If you insist on installing the kit yourself, there are some things to consider.
What color are you going to paint your body kit?
Where are you going to paint?
How are you going to paint your body kit?
Do you have the right tools to install the kit yourself?
And are you going to paint your entire car or just the body kit?(Should you decide to get your car painted professionally, but not get the kit installed, skip the below steps.)
I personally recommend painting the kit the same color as your car, but that's personal opinion. Body kits can look really sharp if they are combined with vinyl graphics or even other custom paint work to tie the entire car together. I recommend finding your vehicles specific paint codes. Most of them can be found through the DuPont registry or through your local dealer.
Different Types of Body Art
These are the different types of body art:
Jewelry is the most common type. This is a temporary type which almost everybody wears (sometimes) like a ring or necklace.
Tattoos are a type of body art which is permanent. Tattoos are created by colored materials inserted beneath the skins surface. The most common reasons to get tattooed are:
- Wanting to show your individuality and uniqueness
- Belonging to a group that has tattoos
- Pleasing your partner
- Identifying with a (known for tattoos) subculture
Piercings are a temporary type (which may leave a scar when removed). Body piercing is the creation of an opening in the human body in which jewelry can be worn and the word piercing refers to this opening. The most common piercing is an earring, but you can get a piercing in almost everybody part of your body.
Face Paint - The Perfect Addition to a Children's Party
Birthday parties are great places for children to express their creativity. Groups and gathering encourage children to try out new things and get inspired by each other. A birthday party should never lack activities and active participants. One way to ensure activity within the guests is to encourage them to participate in various games and activities specially arranged for them.
Sometimes, arranging birthday parties for children might be a more difficult task than arranging birthday parties for adults. It needs not be, however. You can introduce face painting at the birthday of your child and let the children experiment with colours and paints. Getting the children to paint the faces of each other is a fun way to involve everyone. This allows for maximum participation in a group activity and provides entertainment as well.
The Body As A Canvas: Body Art
Definition of Painting
A basic definition of painting is to use colors in order to portray a picture on a support base structure. However, many different forms of painting and styles of painting have evolved over the years. The first portrait in the world was created over thirty thousand years ago. Since then, the history of this form of art has gone through a number of major changes. In the world of today, there are many diverse meanings to the word "painting". Needless to say, there are also loads of coloring compounds that someone can utilize; depending upon the particular art form that they are creating. Water colors, oil paints, acrylic, fabric paints and tattoo inks are a few of them.
It would not be inappropriate to say that a painter lives in his own world of thoughts where he connects with his inner soul. Without a doubt, it would be very difficult for an ordinary person to surmise just what motivates a good artist. Anything and everything can become an inspiration. Over the years, the environment has been an important stimulation for them. There is an incredible beauty to almost everything that is in nature. A small dandelion flower can suddenly come into view as a beautiful blossom; if the artist sees it that way. It is all in the way the painter interprets the subject.
Body painting is one of the most famous forms of sketching that has become popular in the past few years. This includes everything from whole body tattoos to simple face paintings. People just seem to be entertained with it. As a matter of fact, face and body adorning are used in a variety of dance forms also. The use of a multiple colored palette forms a very important part in the whole process.
Cool And Fun Face Painting With Kids
Body Art Painting - Tattoos No Longer Taboo
Tattoos are a very personal matter. After all, the chosen design is going to be a part of your body for the rest of your life. However, as with most things, there are trends that exist. Many love the tribal tattoos with their flowing lines. The traditional tattoos of anchors and birds are making a comeback. Celtic symbols are now very popular because their meanings are generally common to most races and universal in nature.
Many women tend to get tattooed on their ankles, wrists, and lower back; this is where the curves are! Men will generally prefer it on their fore arms, biceps, and upper back.
Body Art Painting
Make Money With Body Painting
Are you considering making a living (or at least a little money on the side) doing body painting? Is it even possible to make a living doing body painting? Yes, you can make good money as a 'pro' body painter, and even kids as young as twelve have made good money (like $500-$400 in an afternoon) doing simple painting techniques like airbrushed temporary tattoos at fairs and festivals.
It may be difficult to believe that there are so many different ways to make money doing body painting. I know that when I first discovered the art of body painting, I thought maybe you could make some temporary money at a party or fair. But there are many, many more possibilities, as you will see.
How to Paint a Guitar Body
There are many ways to paint a guitar body, some are simple, some are multi-staged and hard to follow. I'm going to try to keep this tutorial simple and hopefully you will be able to paint your guitar body without wanting to kill me.
The truth is you should not expect your first guitar painting job to be any good. You might have to do it a few times before you get to the stage where you have the confidence to paint the body of a guitar you really treasure.
You can buy aerosol cans of paint for car bodies that will do the job on your guitar or you can buy guitar paint in cans that will duplicate your popular Fender or Gibson colors. You will do well to get a face mask and goggles unless you plan on your lungs and eyeballs matching your guitar. The alternative to cans is a spray gun in which case you will get a better finish that needs less sanding.
Body Painting: Henna Tattoo
Henna tattoos are an ancient custom in India: girls and women are body painted before ceremonies, like marriage. They painted complicated patterns on their hands and feet to symbolize their fertility.
Henna (or 'Mehndi', the Indian name) is made from the henna plant (Lawsonia Inermis). The leaves of the plant are dried and ground. The powder gets mixed with water and you get a sort of green-brownish mud. If you put that mud on your skin, let it harden, and then peel it off, you will notice it has left an orange color.